"BREAKING IN" - Created to benefit The Hero Initiative

"Breaking In" is an 8 page story written by myself, Greg Tumbarello, and illustrated by the ridiculously talented Chris Moreno (World War Hulk: Frontline, Toy Story, Sidekick w/Paul Jenkins). Colors by Ori Ayalon and letters by Ed Flag.

This story was created to benefit The Hero Initiative. (It's an important charity that assists comic book creators who have fallen on hard times. Please check it out to find out how you can help this worthwhile cause.)

Now, our story is part of an anthology entitled HOPE: THE HERO INITIATIVE that is being put together by Ronin Studios. I'm told that it will be published by the Hero Initiative and available in comic shops on Feb. 21, 2011. Luckily, since this blog is mainly being used to show off my work to various editors and isn't on the general public's radar at the moment, I can preview it here. Enjoy!


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